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Do you have adoptable rescue ferrets?

We sometimes do! People who know that we love ferrets will sometimes send our way ferrets in need of temporary care. Please make an inquiry to find out if we have any such ferrets available.

Do you have adoptable retired breeders?

We often do! We are a small breeding program, on purpose. So, after 2-3 years of breeding, we will spay/neuter or implant, and ready select ferrets for lux retired life, to enjoy more lounging, cuddles, treats and kisses. Please make an inquiry to find out if we have any such retired ferrets available.

Do you ship?

Yes, we will ship. We are willing to work with reputable couriers and airlines. However, all arrangements and associated extra costs will be the responsibility of the buyer/shipper.

Do you vaccinate?

SAS ferrets are vaccinated every 2 years unless they must be vaccinated according to ferret show entry rules. We vaccinate every other year because ferrets experience a higher rate of complication and/or death due to vaccines than do dogs and cats. 


A ferret kit from from SAS can be given a parvo/distemper vaccine at 8wks before going home, and a rabies vaccination at 16wks if it is still living at the Ferretry at that time.

Beyond this policy, we respect your choice to vaccinate or not, according to your opinion on the risks to the ferret, the additional risks in your area, and the lifestyle of your ferret (exposure to other pets, people, and the outdoors). 

What are your prices?

DEPOSIT, Kit - $100 

DEPOSIT, Juvenile - $100

DEPOSIT, Retiree - $50

DEPOSIT, Adoptable - $25


Kit, 8wks-5mo - $400

Juvenile, 6mo-1yr - $300


Retiree - $200

Adoptable - $75

Can I make a deposit early?

The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that we prefer to wait until the litter you are choosing from is 5wks-6wks old. By the time kits reach 5wks-6wks, their eyes are open and their coats and personalities really start to shine!


People on the Waitlist can move onto the Client list if they request a kit from a certain litter. These people can make a deposit when the kit(s) reach 5wks.

Alternatively, you can be added to a wait list until a specific hob or jill produces a litter, or a certain color makes an appearance.

Do you refund deposits?


What forms of payment do you accept?

At this time, we accept PayPal, Venmo, and Zelle, as well as cash.


Return and Refund/Exchange Policy

Refunds/Exchanges will be granted on a case-by-case basis

Generally, the following circumstances will meet refund criteria: 

  • Your ferret becomes ill or expires within 4wks of leaving SAS, and it was seen by a veterinarian within that 4wk timeframe.

  • Your ferret is diagnosed with a genetic illness before it reaches 1yr of age.

If you must return a ferret to SAS

Things happen in life that we do not plan for. We understand. If you need to return a SAS ferret at any point in its lifetime, it will be welcomed back.


However, you will be responsible for the following:

  1. Ensuring the ferret's vaccinations are up to date.

  2. Ensuring the method of ferret delivery from your home to ours is pre-approved by SAS.

  3. The cost of ferret delivery.

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